Transformer Broker is a startup company with the philosophy of providing you multiple proposals from multiple transformer manufacturers. The concept for Transformer Broker evolved while working for a transformer manufacturer for over eleven years. During this eleven year stretch it became clear; NO “ONE” MANUFACTURER was capable of building every transformer needed. Because I believe this statement is true, I also believe there is an opportunity to bring design experience from multiple manufacturers to the market.

Many manufacturers will market themselves as the best solution for your application, however this is often not the case. Our partnerships bring over 100+ years of combined manufacturing experience with over eleven manufacturers from North America and Asia. These partnerships bring you the best in class engineering, manufacturing and the lowest price for Dry or Liquid Filled Transformers, Reactors, Inductors and Chokes. These partnerships are capable of single piece or thousands of pieces production capabilities. Depending on the design prototype units can be developed for testing as reduced costs.

There is no cost to you when you request pricing from Transformer Broker. Instead, you get all of the benefits listed above in one business relationship. Reach out to Transformer Broker and allow me to price your existing or next new project.

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